Blogging can be a stressful task, especially if you’re counting on your blogging success for your livelihood. However, while stressing over your blogging efforts is common, it doesn’t have to be. You can find way to utilize the good stress that comes from blogging and turn it into your drive and determination to have a successful blog without having to worry about it on a daily basis. To show you how, here are three tips that can help you when creating a no-stress blogging schedule.
Schedule Small Daily Tasks
If you think about blogging as a huge mountain that you have to climb before the end of the day, it’s going to overwhelm you. But if you’re able to compartmentalize the small tasks you want to accomplish with your blog, the stress will melt away. Timothy Torrents, a contributor to, shares that by creating a blogging schedule based around a small task for each day of the week, it becomes much easier to have consistent blogging success. Some things you might want to schedule out for the various days of the week could include writing a solution piece, writing about an issue, editing blogs, or posting content. These tasks don’t have to be huge or seemingly important to severely reduce the amount of stress you feel toward this endeavor.
Schedule Monthly Content Promotion Tasks
Even after you’ve posted content to your blog, you can begin feeling a greater amount of stress if you’re not getting the amount of exposure to the blog that you would like. This is why scheduling monthly content promotion tasks is a must.
Lindsay Kolowich, a contributor to, suggests taking the time to plan and schedule out how to promote your content across each social platform you hope to use. This means you could have quite a few different content promotion calendars you’re working with throughout the month. While keeping track of all this information could get a little tricky for those who aren’t very organized, having your social promotion goals spelled out and executed correctly will make the stress of content promotion easier to manage.
Schedule Time for Community Interactions
Along with creating and promoting your own content, you also want to be involved in topical conversations with key players in your online community to get even more traction for your blog. One great way to do this, according to Tamara Bowman, a contributor to, is to create a schedule for community interactions. Bowman suggests making sure you stick to this schedule and minimize your stress by being organized, creating time for this activity, and finding the right communities to interact with.
By creating schedules and organizing your work efforts, you can minimize the stress associated with running and managing an online blog. Use the tips mentioned above to make this process easier for you.
Originally posted on July 4, 2016 @ 6:14 am